Dedicated to culture and critical thought since 1998
11/19/1 Lit: House of Incest

Anais Nin dancing.

From "House of Incest"
Anais Nin

The morning i got up to be-
gin this book I coughed.  Some-

thing was coming out of my

throat: it was strangling me. I

broke the thread which held it

and yanked it out.  I went back

to bed and said: I have just spat

out my heart.

There is an instrument called
the quena made of human bones.

It owes it's origin to the worship

of an Indian for his mistress.  When

she died he made a flute out of

her bones.  The quena has a more

penetrating, more haunting sound

than the ordinary flute.

Those who write know the
process.  I thought of it as I was

spitting out my heart.

Only i do not wait for my love
to die.

Thanks go to Eustacia Guerrero for recommending this lit.